
When middle managers experience a reduction in responsibilities, the impact can be profound. Navigating professional diminishment is challenging, but it also presents an opportunity for personal and professional development.
New and middle managers who aspire to be true leaders and senior leaders who aim to create a leadership culture must work together to break free from the constraints that limit potential.
Leadership is often associated with guiding a team, helping individuals grow, and solving problems as they arise. But what happens when your team is already high-performing, reasonably self-sufficient, and for the most part seems to require less direct intervention?
Some senior leaders believe that after many years building and running teams, that it’s impossible to change the way they lead; while others are actually afraid to make changes or to reinvent themselves. What would you do if you could start your leadership journey all over again?
The true test of a leader believing in their purpose often lies in their ability to persevere through challenges and uncertainty while remaining steadfast in their commitment to their purpose.
Reacting defensively should never be the default response to a team member whose question or comment might be slightly controversial. Leaders need to accept that being challenged is part of their job. By welcoming challenges, they can create an environment where creative thinking flourishes.
When an organisation believes in you and invests in your future and your professional development by providing you with leadership coaching, it’s essential that you make the most out of that experience by being prepared. 
A call to leadership requires more than just holding a position or title. It encompasses the responsibility to inspire, motivate, and guide others towards achieving shared objectives.
Understanding the connection between Robert Kegan’s stages of adult development and leadership can provide valuable insights into the qualities and approaches that effective leaders embody.
For any leader, operating at the learning edge can involve engaging in tasks, experiences, or situations that push your boundaries, require new skills, or demand increased effort. It involves taking risks, trying new things, and embracing uncertainty.


Using determination, reflection, and ambition to ignite passion in your team can help to drive results and drive career planning. Determination involves setting clear goals and working towards them with a strong sense of purpose. Reflection involves regularly taking time to reflect on your team’s progress and identify areas for improvement. Ambition involves setting high goals and striving to achieve them.

By fostering determination, reflection, and ambition in your team, you can help to create a culture of drive and passion that will inspire team members to achieve their best work.